Let softness and heat wrap you around in order to ressource yourself. Breath out to release the accumulated stress. Find the wellbeing and the pleasure of living....
COCOON®, it's also a team in GREECE.
The tantric massage targets three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual, in order to find this feeling of unity which connects us with the divine. By reunifying us, it frees us from the guilt feeling which cuts us from life.
The tantric massage is with the image of the text which is related to the site under the name: Cocoon: love, opening and abandonment.
The tantric massage includes all parts of the body and also includes a work on the 7 Chakras, in order to make them vigorous and to harmonize the subtle bodies.
To discover or taste the experiment of a pleasure which we do not meet daily.
The tantric massage is at the same time sensual, tender and spiritual and very resourcing since it is practised while being centered and being connected to the vital energy, which functions as a source whose flow irrigates all the chakras and gives the force to open one's heart and spirit.
To go in the space of yes with life.
Prelude to the welcome of the unknown and the''Godlinesh'', it is an attitude of letting go and welcoming of the present, without judgment, expectation or desire, by both people,that a space becomes available which we could not imagine its existence before.
Today, the term "tantric massage" was hijacked to mean, generally, a sexual massage offered by people who have to do with prostitution. The confusion arose because the tantric massage, for the sake of unity, includes all body parts. If sex is integrated and touched, it's not as long as it is the purpose of the Tantra massage. The purpose of Tantra and Tantric massage is to allow an expansion of consciousness brought into a state of meditation, not excitement. In a real tantric massage, there is no finish, masturbation, oral sex or anything else. It is received with the eyes closed and its quality is related to staff tantric path, accompanied by the person giving the massage and it is not a naked picture exposing her physical attractiveness. It is more a depth of the soul rather than a photograph...
The tantric massage more than the others still is a meeting of hearts and can be made only if an agreement is established between the two partners of the massage. So we will meet you before, through a Cocoon massage, allowing each one to feel if in this state of release and abandonment, an alchemy can be made to allow the reception of the present correspondent to the true essence of what is a Tantric Massage. In this spiritual way, it is preferable to have done before a sufficient work of personal development or Tantra. If it is the opportunity for you to begin a work of this type you can refer to the page of the Vital Breath.
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
As in a nest, with hands around you listening to your needs, you will be able to feel a new energy and a deep plenitude.
A precious mixture between Western and Eastern techniques, it aims to renew contact with ones body and heart, through special care, that we need in order to feel well.
A very enveloping and cordial massage, to give you back a capacity which is sometimes sought for in cigarettes or other "comforting attitudes". At the same time it makes it possible to relaxe the body and to release the psychological tensions due to the difficulty of life.
To find unity and energy in a moment of lassitude.
The hands weave around you an energetic cocoon in order to gather back "the pieces" and to find back your unity in a feeling of protection and plenitude.
To give pleasure and to give softness.
In other moments, the hands go deeper to support you and rock you in order to enable you to surrender in the softness and in the sensuality of this moment.
The hands pause on the ''cold'' points, so as to listen to the sensitivity that exists there. They wake up your interior tensions and give them back the heat which will comfort you.
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
The ayurvedic massage is based on the guiding principles of traditional Indian multimillennial medicine called Ayurveda "knowledge of longevity".
To favour the elimination of toxins due to a bad food and pollution.
The ayurvedic massage is usually practised on the floor with hot oil on the naked body. The ayurvedic massage stimulates our various energy points called "Marmas" and in parallel the various elements of our body: air, water, fire, organized according to three system: VAT (nervous systems and hormonal), PITT (digestive system and enzymatic) and KAPH (fluid).
For great support in the event of fatigue, insomnia and depression.
The ayurvedic massage is a complete massage, at the same time soft and tonic, relaxing and energetic, the ayurvedic massage not only makes it possible to face the stress positively, but also to penetrate one's deep being by meditative work on the chakras (crossroads of energy).
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
Great mixture of Chinese massage and Korean relaxation, it tends, while acting on the circulation of energy and blood, to obtain an energy balance and to stimulate resistance to diseases.
We will first work on the back and, because of its close connection with the meridian line of the Bladder, the deep Chinese Massage, practised carefully, is particularly adapted to relaxe deeply.
To treat disorders of the back, urinary disorders and the feeling of heavy legs.
The Chinese massage is practised on precise points, from top to bottom. Each point is massed with the thumb, by making an average pressure. Then we masse along the meridian from top to bottom.
Then, on the anterior face, we will practise the Korean Relaxation which will relax the body by small jolts and stretchings of the body parts. We then feel our body again. The face is peaceful and the body is full of energy.
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
You lie down on the back and you start breathing.... By pressures on the points of blockages, you are accompanied to let your breathing become full and total.
This breathing becomes as a breeze on which your conscience flies away and widens. This change of your conciousness will enable you to change the way of your seeing the life.
To find back a fluid energy which circulates freely.
The mechanism of the 'Cure'' has started and you feel in you the laughter, and a joy which you had sometimes lost for a long time.
To give you more force to face the usual stress.
Several sessions will enable you to increase and maintain this interior force which will lead you to a plenitude.
You find again the source of your vital energy. The life becomes a firework which is expressed and carried out according to your major desires.
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
Shamanic breathing exercises "The vital breath" to release emotional blockages and find rooting..
Consciousness: practice of exercises and tantric meditations to achieve the unity of the body - soul - spirit. Tantric rituals.
Massage: Every day, demonstration and initiation to tantric massage techniques. Massage exchange. The massage is practiced in hot oil with essential oils..
Participation at the workshop: 560€.
Accommodation and food (full board) : 700€ in the Le Hameau des Meysonniers.
Chemin de Saint-Marcellin, 26600 Chanos-Curson, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Information:contact us
and mention "Summer Cocoon® workshop" in your message.
or by phone at: +33 660 041 661
Confirm your participation by sending a deposit: 250€ (Enter your name and "Summer Cocoon workshop").
Cocoon® considers
the practice of Tantra essential to tantric massage. It confers to the
massage its essence because it allows open mindedness, an open-hearted
state and a high quality of awareness to yourself and the other.
These practices of Tantra can support a regular
work on yourself through tantric structures such as active Osho
meditations, psycho body approaches and shamanic experiences of
breathing. These practices create a sense of sacredness in every
gesture and sensory perceptions, participate to liberate ourselves from
ancient hindrances and beliefs two keys to really appreciate the tantric
A telephone interview is required.
Workshops open to single people or couples.
from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Two sessions of 5 Weekends in the year:
to allow a gradual and complete discovery of tantric massage. Each session is identical in its structure and allows everyone to join as soon as they want. A complete discovery in 5 WE and a deepening in the following WE.
60kms west of Paris, an oasis full of lifes, isolated to the countryside La Vallée Rose Vignes d'Orval 28410 Goussainville near Houdan.
Spring/Summer session:
07/09 Februaryr, 14/16 March, 11/13 April, 16/18 May, 13/15 June.
Summer weeks:
from 1 to 8 of august in Chiangmai in Thaïland,
from 23 to 30 of august in Drôme in France.
Automn/Winter session:
19/21 September, 17/19 October, 21/23 November, 19/21 December, 09/11 January 2026.
Participation: 235€ by W.E. (All furnitures included)
+ complete pension : 190 €. (Accomodation+Food)
Infos :
Workshop Registration Form 2025
allows the trainee not only to regain
joy and pleasure for living but also to broaden the range of
possibilities restricted by the « myself - I - me » Tantric
exercises are useful here to water ego rigidities with acute
consciousness and eventually dissolve them. The dancer melts into the
dance, he becomes the dance.
The tantric massage targets
three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual, in order to find this
feeling of unity which connects us with the divine. By reunifying us, it
frees us from the guilt feeling which cuts us from life. Tantric
massage is like the text of Osho: Love, opening and abandonment. The
tantric massage is at the same time sensual, tender and spiritual and
very resourcing since it is practiced while being centered and being
connected to the vital energy, which functions as a source whose flow
irrigates all the chakras and gives the force to open one's heart and
This breathing becomes as a
breeze on which your conscience flies away and widens. This change of
plan of conscience then enables you to change your way of seeing life.
The mechanism of the " Cure " is then started and you feel in
you the laughter, and a joy which you had sometimes lost for a long
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
is a psychologist since 1977 and got his psychology Master at Paris VII university.
Master NLP in 1991.
Trained in Gestalt, Bioenergy, Rolfing, Family and systemic therapy 1981 to 1985,
From 1977 to 1985 he was head of a day hospital for autistic and psychotic children.
From 1985 to 2001, was a trainer for the hospital staff over France for 15 years.
Facilitator in a workshop of Emotional Body Painting at the Humanist psychology Congress of Paris in 1982,
he discoverd the Tantra of Osho at this time and then he practiced this with Sudheer Roche, disciple of Osho.
Tibetan and Ushui Reiki teacher in 2001.
Since 1999, he was trained to shamanism by a shaman Amazon for seven years .
He is the creator and manager of Cocoon, e-enterprise of home massages for Paris.
He has personally set the protocoles of tantric and Cocoon massages.
From 2014 until now, trained by Cocoon® in Tantric meditative massage, Tantra and Shamanism, I am a partner of the team delivering trainings and tantra massage in Patras and other places in Greece as well as abroad.
I am a certified Biodanza teacher in the Rolando Toro (SRT) system and I teach a group in Greece.
I started my spiritual search in 2005 as a member of the Meditation School in Patras.
From 2010 to 2014 I have been trained in various methods of alternative therapies and techniques.
I got the degrees of Usui Reiki.
In 2014, I was trained in Ayurvedic massage.
In 2014, at the Osho center in Lesbos, I discovered Osho's meditative therapies, and then followed my training for "Osho Born Again".
Soft skills trainer and stress management.
COACH NLP, specialized in respiratory coaching and the recovery of smell.
Attends Jean-Paul in massage and shamanic breathing courses,
Exercises and rituals in France, Greece and the USA.
Formed in Tantra by Sudheer Roche and the practice since 2001.
Practice Cocoon® and Tantric massages since 2009.
Formed in the Peruvian shamanism by a shaman for six years.
Master Practitioner and Certified Coach in N.L.P. and practitioner in hypnosis.
Second degree of Reiki and trained at Shiatsu, Reflexology and Tuina.
Nurse and Chinese energy practitioner.
Speaks French, Spanish and English.
The unknown hands.
Hands on my skin,
to repair the wounds,
to make the unity, to feel my body live,
to make peace with myself.
Hands on my body,
to assemble the thousand broken pieces of my heart
to revive the flame which seemed to pass away forever.
to say with the gestures the words ever said,
to feel the joy of life,
to feel in me life and happiness.
These hands which seem to me anonymous
make me discover what I am, they make me know myself,
as if they knew my secret, break the carapace,
and make the song break the silence of death
whick hid me the happiness. Françoise.
I am starting writing to you what I felt during the massage and although they have passed almost 20 days I feel that it is like yesterday, having the sense still in my body and in my heart...
Not only I did not have any expectation, but also I did not know anything about the process... I came open and full of trust... When you started giving me massage on my back I felt a strong pain on the side of the heart and I started to cry.... but after a very while, as your hands where moving deeper on the whole place of the back that pain suddenly and very quickly released....
When you started to move your hands from the neck and forward down, I started lose the sense of my body, I lost the gravity of my body, feeling more and more lighter and then there was only pleasure... I surrender in that pleasure...and gradually I started to feel more and more sensual pleasure...
I was feeling like having as a snake moving from the sex, the belly and up to the heart,to my head... Feeling that energy I was in unity.. I have never felt such a unity before... I was only love, I was only energy... I felt my body wanting to shake and shake... I surrendered in that inside movement and it was like being in trance...
I started to have orgasms... no sense of the body as it is... I had lost any sense of the space arround me... like being in other dimension... I was feeling huge and expanded... in an inner ecstacy... I wanted to have more orgasms but I wanted to keep that energy inside my body, I wanted to keep that inner shaking...
I had also a strong feeling of burning... my whole body was burning, especially the front side...At the first moments I was a little scared of that and I said "oh my God, what is happening here?" but in a very little time, I let it go... so, very quickly, I surrender and all the rest followed...orgasms, feeling unity, ecstacy etc....
When I opened my eyes, I was feeling like the time had been stopped... no time, no sense of where I really am... It was like a trip with no dimensions... I felt love and I saw truth in this.... I started to cry because of this love, of this happiness, of this freedom, of this unity of this experience....
For the rest of the days, that sense of burning was coming up inside my body suddenly, without doing anything, and it was amazing, starting feeling wet in my sex, and then a kind of energy was running and running and made me feel so happy, so blissful, so much love and joy... It continues happening until today...so amazing... Argy.
I was lost, bewildered, abandoned, in total mess with myself but I knew one thing is that I still want to learn to give. It would be for me the way to meet me, know who I was and win. Then together, we agreed, agreed to exchange, you, with your experience, your calm and your indulgence, I with my spontaneity, my clumsiness but my truth.
Yes I tell you that I want to tell the world what it July 14, I just live and expect to discover without anything, without any a priori thanks to you, this door you got me open.
Just let go, to go to the embryonic state, like when we were all babies, maybe even a fetus besides, only a few cells, perhaps, who are just forming.
Everything then bathed in amniotic fluid perfect 'so simple that sweetness and soft carrying you and welcomes you. The hands of my masseur, are nothing other than what became amniotic fluid, this wonderful home, soft but vibrant, full of energy and promise that loves you as you are, this acceptance of oneself Similarly, and yes as is, returned to its origin, its essence.
Make this path. Understand everything. Not necessarily need to put words suddenly to understand his life. The work of the masseur, lulls you and help you assimilate many things, in all languages of the world, no need to say or to speak. Her massage is a universal language and translated everything. Being yourself, just be. Being his essence. Emma.
August ... Kundalini, Divine Mother of love ...
The fifth day of the summer school will remain etched in my memory forever.
Under the hands of my masseuse, an energy up my base chakra, enjoyment comes. The climb continues until plexus immense happiness came over me, an intense force, the tears of joy flowing. The beauty makes me lose control; and suddenly I feel over my head a powerful divine force filled with love, not fear. Total surrender to this love, this grace.
Energy is becoming more and more present, it is there; I feel that it may invest the entire earth and all its beings. I am under its influence, I can not control anything, and am observer of what is going on.
The force penetrates me, everything becomes yellow-orange in the room, the words out of my mouth. This "message" that I release to all those present, I do not control the way, my conscience and my mind are like asleep.
Suddenly I see all the events of my life, those that have brought me to this revelation.
I have no sense of time.
Hands on my feet allowed me to come back in the room, The descent into my body, is accompanied by a feeling of cold.
My life has changed since that day, everything was lighter, I feel cleansed, pardons agree, a great peace within me. My contacts with other humans worldwide are Love. I feel in harmony, in tune with my inner being. Humility, joy, happiness, confidence became my daily life. I bathe in bliss. Christian.
Workshop... I want to share with you how I feel since last weekend in cottage ... In short, I want to say + + living conscious. Breathing Saturday morning certainly "unlocked" something in me ... I feel lighter (weighing 100kgs me at times) ... Since there is a feeling of warmth and the presence of an inner smile .
The meeting of the two women with whom I shared the massage touched me deep inside me. I was a little apprehensive of being parasitized by the inescapable erotic dimension ... this sacred sharing calmed my internal tensions, I feel more "whole", both in giving than in receiving it. Abandonment to the other, my sense of vulnerability, my frailty ... dare share freed me. Yes ... locks still skipped this weekend ...
The ritual disturbed me and hit too ... I do not recognize myself, I felt the woman, femininity singular way ... I can not find the words, just know that I'm happy (that is rare in this state of being me ...). I think I found this lost innocence a long time ago ...
I would, however, be able to slow the course of my thoughts which take orders too often since Sunday. Waiting to see you with happiness.
With my gratitude.Charlie.
My first Tantric massage in March 2005 was a revelation: revelation of desire, pleasure and love living in my whole being.
Revelation of the other so close to my heart in communion I feel already. A man near me, attentive and gentle that reveals to me that my body has energy and power of love.
Then the discovery that that's life in me that needs to occur in these exchanges so subtle, so fluid. He accompanies me this man whose hands offer much more than a massage. He guides me to who I really am, without judging it.
Then massage follow, are not alike, opening my body and consciousness in the presence of myself and masseur, in a privileged relationship.
The fun goes, crying too, memories, rages at heart, surprises, "re" painfully -traversées of registered events. I open up my body, welcoming what comes is what provides me if this man in my whole being.
And my body opens and give myself to myself in all that it contains, inviting me to release what is no longer useful. It also betrays me it does not yet contain and which becomes possible, because finally accepted and welcomed and even desired by conscience.
Vital Breath exercises strengthen this opening so fragile, lead me to want intensely for the happiness it gives me to be myself. The space is created by the magic of the experience of the man who led me and I am wonderfully present.
I know it is there and I can go as far as possible by myself, in this extraordinary journey of life in me and what I can do. And when I close is like a sun that goes out. And whatever cost me the insights that bring me to the light in me, the light has turned this man in a thousand places of my body can never be extinguished.
Thank you to you, who listens to me and enlighten me with your hands, with your heart. MD - Paris
I had a new experience. I was myself, I bathed in the delight of being totally free to be true ... and I found another one.
I was loved and worn to a peaceful lake, a huge ... suddenly engulfed by a violent fire. I bathed in the soft, I felt my body gained through pleasure ... then I was seized by a force torrent.
I felt the body, the soul and the animal energy. I was both a spirit, a chair, a will, a force to be overwhelmed and helpless. I was the one I know and another. This time, it was me. Too. Perhaps the one I miss sometimes, I'm looking confused, without knowing it.
I want to welcome him grow as a diamond that grows by gaining new facets. This was only my second tantric massage. Is it an unexpected way I discovered to a sun that reveals other colors and other shades. In any case, it will be a way I want to explore to discover that I'll find it, the stranger that is within me, this brother forgotten, neglected.
I am fortunate to have received in the past massages very high quality, which brought me physical pleasure and emotional healing, bound manner. It was their goal and they reached beautifully. I got this time is not a massage, but a passage to ... I do not know. If that love and life force are the source. The result of their encounter with what I will be unique and personal.
I wish to express my appreciation and admiration for the masseuse who won and greeted me, both voluntary and guide instrument consenting to a superior and natural movement. A spiritual companion of an unusual type.
To be continued. Today I am pleased with the gift I received: my future is enriched with an additional perspective of joy of living. A. Paris
Workshop..... "There all is order and beauty, luxury, calm and voluptuousness." (C.Baudelaire; An Invitation to Travel, The Flowers of Evil). This tantric massage course was for me like a big bubble of joy, happiness and freedom. Enter the bubble, take, give, receive, friendship, love, fill with happiness. This is pure, beautiful and simple. Nothing but the generosity and respect, the desire to fill the other for what he has become in this magical moment: an extraordinary, bright, beaming. We are there for him, for himself, for life.
We made it his own experience, one comes face to himself, to what is sensed or are unaware of his own emotions, on edge, or buried in the depths of his being. One can explore the forgotten stories or simply walk on this path of initiation through her, for him, its presence disinterested love lavished, arms that welcome you to the hand that holds you, just to assist you in back to itself, in this journey to emotions in this dalliance with the senses.
Free, because not judged. Time seems to have stopped within a few hours. Still out of the bubble and start different, swollen heart, wondering about the sublime and the shackles.
Thank you again to those and to those who made this possible. N. S.
I have traveled around the world and follower of massages, I had to try everything that could exist at all latitudes .....
I had the chance to have a day on the phone and you told me in the hollow of the ear massage Cocoon ..... I did immediately confidence and I was fortunate to receive a Tantric massage last week when one of my business trips to Paris.
Explain what really happened during that massage would be too long because I had an adventure out of natural ... Often attentive to the masseuse whenever I had been massaged before, which affected the perception massage, this time I let myself go completely, listening to his advice .....
It was the first time I really could "let go", thanks to its experience and perfection of his massage .... At one point, I felt in my head something great, I was literally in ecstasy ... I had never before felt something similar .....
Cocoon thank you!. Georges.
April. The first Cocoon massage was a delightful surprise because I discovered all the potential it was giving me to develop myself, even if the first time I was very shy. Since the benefit of the massage can be felt for three weeks, I chose a rythm of once a month, which is perfect. Little by little, I let Cocoon aproach me, which set all my energy free, being delicately accompanied by the masseur. I feel today completely open to life, which make me deeply happy every day. Each time I have another massage, I discover new dimensions I didn't know of within myself which enriches me. I am now following a path which is better than any kind of therapy and that I would never leave anymore...D. Monaco.
A dark tunnel with the wall strangely flexible.
Far away a light.
I want to leave this place.
I observe as a spectator, it's another me
Who struggles, who undergoes and guides at the same time.
A storm in me which tears apart my entrails,
A tidal wave which goes up and suffocates me,
Whereas releving hands go through my body.
Suddenly a presence
It is there once more to help me.
The remote light takes the form of an Arab lamp.
A music, the sun, all sing in my head.
I let myself being rocked by the hands always there,
Who awake hidden feelings.
All this softness, this rejected pleasure for too long,
The more I think of it, the more I want it
To avoid to be unhappy.
From all this work of negation came out death,
That I feel, at the bottom of me, in my body which does not want
anything any more,
Who hopes no more. Wise, quiet, like death in my arms.
I do not know who guided my steps towards this room.
I do not know how I accepted these unknown hands on my naked body,
How I let myself rock by this softness,
For finally feeling heat in my belly
And bliss flow through all my body.... F.
The massage, it is something that you start,
But that you never finish, which continues indefinitely,
And which becomes gradually deeper and higher.
The massage, is a subtle art.
It is not just a question of skill,
It's more about love.
First you learn the technique and then you forget it.
You feel and you create movements according to your feelings.
When you learn the massage deeply,
90% of work is done by love, 10% by technique.
You just need the touch, the touch of love,
And the body is relaxed.....
If you feel the love and compassion for the other person,
If you look at him as a priceless energy,
If you are grateful for his trust in you,
And for the fact that he lets you play with his energy,
Then, more and more,
You will have the impression to play with the organ,
And you will feel the creation of a harmony in you.
Not only the person, but you also will be relieved.
When you massage, only massage, do not think of other things.
Between your fingers, your hands,
As if your existence entered there.
Do not be satisfied with a physical touch.
Your heart penetrates in the body of the other,
And the most difficult complexes are relaxed.
Make it a pleasure and enjoy the life.
Read testimonials in the Golden book....
A team of men and women at your service
7/7 days between 10am. to 10pm.
(increase of 50% beyond these hours)
Tantric massages:
"discovery" 1h50: 230€.
"advance" 2h: 250€
Cocoon massages:
Individual: 1h45: 220€.
Couple package: 400€.
Ayurvedic, Chinese, 1h30: 190€.
The Vital Breath 1h30: 190€.
Massage prices include moving
in Paris
and bordering, and we can welcome you too...
Tantra, tantric massage and shamanic breathing
"La VallEe Rose" Vignes d'Orval,
Chemin de la MarniEre 28410 Goussainville
Read testimonials in the Golden book...
You wish to inquire about our workshops or our massages, contact you.
In Paris, at home or in a workshop give you a new ressources using proven techniques and the quality of our professionals...